PC AGM Minutes 180923


18 September 2023 6.30PM – 8.00PM

Merrylee Primary School

1. Welcome and introductions

Colin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. 15 May 2023 Minutes and Actions

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Marion and seconded by Clare.

All actions from the 15 May 2023 Parent Council meeting have been completed or are on the agenda for further update.

3. Headteacher’s Report

Colette provided an update. Key points were:

Yearly Improvement Plan

  • There are a lot of changes taking place under the new Director of Education, including the introduction of Grand Challenges which are designed to encourage improvement over a longer period of time.
  • The focus on the Improvement Plan for the 2023/24 school year includes meeting learner’s needs, raising attainment and achievement, and using digital technology to further enhance teaching and learning.


  • Colette reviewed how the funds were used to ensure that no student is missing out on opportunities due to finances.
  • A large investment was put inter literary resources this year.
  • Colette encouraged parents to apply for Pupil Equity Funding, which is government funded and includes free school meals, breakfast club and holiday payments. The school receives money based on the number of recipients enrolled.
  • Colette reviewed the cost of the school day and ways in which this can be made less challenging for families.


  • The school roll impacts on funding. For the 2023/24 school year, there are only 44 children enrolled in P1 with seven placement requests and 384 children all together. The enrollment is all done online with no personal involvement, so Colette noted the desire to do more promotion.

4. Report on the work of the PC

Colin gave a report on the work of the PC. Key points were:

– The PC gives carers the change to get involved, participate and improve their understanding of what has been going on at the school.

– The PC is currently looking for a treasurer.

– Colin has attended training with Glasgow City Council, including recruitment training, and attended Cathcart Community Council meetings to raise issues directly with police and councillors when necessary such as traffic issues and care free zones.

– Colin thanked the parents and staff for their involvement in the PC.

5. Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave a report on the PA, a sub-committee of the PC. Key points were:

– The PA meets the last Wednesday of every month and organizes events to raise money for the school, while keeping the cost down or free for children so everyone can participate.

– There are currently 16 members with an outgoing Chair and Secretary. Alyssa will be remaining on as Secretary.

– Commission based activities raise the most money for the school, for example enough was raised from Book Fairs to fund transition books for all P1s.

– The PA organizes the sale of personalised holiday items such as mugs and cards.

– Passive fundraising is possible through easyfundraising.org.uk.

– Yearly activities include events, fairs, discos, donations, eco activities such as pre-loved uniforms and clothing rails, and green fingers among others.

– Upcoming events are scheduled for the 26th October Halloween Disco, the 2nd December Christmas Fair, seasonal products, school photos, online book fair the week of 20th November, and possibly a family night.

6. Report of PC Accounts and formal approval

The PC Accounts were prepared by Laura. The accounts were proposed by Ross and seconded by Kirsty.

7. Report of PA Accounts and formal approval

The PA Accounts were prepared by Laura. The accounts were proposed by Claire and seconded by Marion.

8. Parent Council Office Bearers

Colin will remain as PC Chair and Nicole will remain as PC Secretary. This was proposed by Natalie and seconded by Yla. Colin will also stand in as interim PC Treasurer until a new one is in place.

The PC is looking for a new Treasurer as well as someone who can take on the management of the PCs social media and PVG checks for the school, which are required for any parent working with children.

9. Parent Association Office Bearers

Clare Taylor has been appointed to the PA Chair position. This was proposed by Ross and seconded by Marion.

Laura Kennedy has been appointed to the PA Treasurer position. This was proposed by Colin and seconded by Marion.

10. AOB

Road Safety

There was recently an incident with a school crossing patroller in which they were knocked over by a car. Merrylee Primary had to request she be placed there at Mochrum Road and Langside Drive due to previous safety concerns with traffic in this area. At the most recent Cathcart Community Council meeting, Councillor Ferguson noted that he was only informed of this incident by one person and that more momentum would be necessary to get any change moving forward. Concerned parents feel there is not enough signage at this crossing, especially when compared to the second junction, and requests have been sent to the council.


Ross commented on the state of the pitch, which is now a safety concern given its age and the lack up maintenance following school closure during the COVID period. A new pitch is expected to be £80k and there is no money to commit to having that done. Councillor Ferguson has indicated he will do a walkaround of the pitch. It is possible paying to have the pitch replaced could come from the Infrastructure Fund or join with other projects currently taking place.

School Vandalism

Colette noted that vandalism took place at the school most weekends but was particularly bad recently. This incident was reported. These actions do come at a cost to the school.

Shade during lunch

One of the parents reached out to note their concern about the lack of shade for students to be in when they are outside during their lunch period. Colette noted that there is shade all the way around the perimeter on the building, just not on the pitch.

Swim Easy

Colin noted that a family business, Swim Easy, is wanting to be included in Merrylee Primary events and offer their time for volunteering in exchange for free advertising. It was agreed advertisements could be placed on the noticeboards and via Merrylee Primary social media pages if deemed appropriate by all parties involved.

Green Fingers

A new poly tunnel and new seeds for kits are needed for Merrylee Green Fingers. These could be at least partially covered by the Glasgow Wellbeing Fund if an application were submitted.

PC Minutes 150523

Note: the full minutes are circulated via SeeSaw to all parents, and include a list of parents and staff who attended. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings, please email merryleepc@gmail.com.

1. Welcome and introductions

Colin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Approval of 6 February 2023 minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Phil and seconded by Laura.

3. Actions from 6 February 2023

Colette confirmed that Councillor Ferguson did send her information via email regarding funding opportunities but the busses that were going to be paid for by the funds were no longer available. The information will be useful for next year.

Councillor Ferguson confirmed that the hedges impeding the sidewalk on Friarton Road are the responsibility of the Govanhill Housing Association. Following an incident recently seen by a concerned parent, he agreed to chase them up and see if it is possible for the Council to intercede if the GHA will not action quickly enough. He also noted that Friartion Road will be resurfaced within the next couple of months.

4. Headteacher’s Report


Colette has received links to apply for grants for transport and other costs of outings with students but there are no buses available for the rest of this term, so these opportunities will be revisited next year.


Ms Murray and Ms Timoney have been appointed as PTs in the school. There is a very busy term ahead, with a lot of outdoor learning days, and they will be working with classes with an outdoor learning theme.

Merrylee will not be losing any of the current teachers in the next session.

Ms Thompson has been given a permanent contract at Merrylee.

Colette thanked Ms Kearney for organising award proposals. Merrylee has received a retrospective Bronze Award and the application for Silver is now in progress.

There is a lot of changing taking place in the school between now and the next session. The P1 area is moving to where the P3s currently are and the outside space there is being developed for a playful learning approach.


P7s will continue to go to Galloway next year, and a new opportunity is being explored for P6s at £200 per student.

Work is underway on welcoming new P1 students.

Colette sent out a communication regarding composite classes to reassure parents that a student being part of a composite class is not a negative thing. In actuality those classes are smaller, and parents usually note it has been a positive experience for their students. It is expected there will be one each of P3/4 and P4/5 composite classes next year.

5. Report on the work of the PC


It was agreed to donate £100 to the PA.


The PC is in need of a new treasurer, which will be advertised on Seesaw. Colin will liaise with Laura and cover treasurer duties in the interim.

6. Report on the work of the PA

Review of events

– Green Fingers: Forty seedling kits have gone out to families, who will have the opportunity to plant their seedlings in the garden at the school if they would like to. The cost of these was £84.29, which will come out of PC funds.

– Spring Disco. This event was successful and enjoyed by those students who attended and adult volunteers who helped. It made a profit of £399.32.

– School Photos: Formal school photos were sent home with children today with orders due back at the end of the month. Yearbook information for P7s has also gone out, with no need for PA funding this year.

– The Guess the Baby competition that took place at the last parent/teacher event was well received and the winner took home a £25 voucher for Shawlands Shops.

Upcoming events

– Summer Faire: This has been rescheduled for 10th June tentatively for the let request. The shift options for volunteers are from 9am-11am, 11am-1pm, or the whole four hours. There will be many different stalls as well as second hand books and toys.


The PA finances currently sit at £2222.73.

7. AOB

School Activities         

Parents queried what other activities are available for students and whether the desire for more artistic and creative activities for students can be taken into consideration. Colette confirmed that at the start of the next time there will be further discussions around new activities and what they will focus on.

The Pitch

Councillor Ferguson agreed to put Ross in touch with Jim Cane to help with the details of funding opportunities for the new pitch.


It was noted that the Catchart Community Council would be holding a party on Saturday 19th August.

Council Lets

It was noted that updated information about lets has been received. With janitor contracts expiring at 4pm any lets past that would need to include costs for the room and janitor to stay on duty. The other option would be to use Merrylee’s feeder secondary school where the only expense would be the room let cost.


It was requested that parents are encouraged to not park close to the school but rather to park around the corner and walk down the lane due to how busy traffic is.

8. Date of next meeting: Monday 18th September 2023 6:30pm – 8:00pm at Merrylee Primary School Dining Hall

PC Minutes 060223

Note: the full minutes are circulated via SeeSaw to all parents, and include a list of parents and staff who attended. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings, please email merryleepc@gmail.com.

1. Welcome and introductions

Colin welcomed everyone to the meeting, extending a special welcome to Councillor Sean Ferguson.

2. Approval of 21 November 2022 minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Yla and seconded by Nicole.

3. Actions from 21 November 2022

It was confirmed that the Zoom account has been renewed.

Colin attended the Cathcart Community Council meeting in January to talk about some of the continued issues around traffic at drop-off and pick-up. Police have since been out to patrol at these times and feedback from parents suggests that it has had a positive impact.

4. Headteacher’s Report


Merrylee Primary is currently overstaffed by 1.2 positions and all remaining PEF money, as well as PEF money from next year, has been used to pay for that staffing. There are many Glasgow schools in the same position. This does not allow for any additionality for teachers to support improvements or possibly provide support for children with English as a second language as all teachers are class committed.

There are just under 50 children currently enrolled for P1 in August, which allows for two classes. If more than 50 P1 students enroll, that could be tricky logistically as it would require another P1 class.

In terms of the cost of the school day, there has been a change of contract for transport that can be accessed for schools. This increases the cost for transport by nearly double and will restrict the impact of the school.

Councillor Ferguson noted that Merrylee Primary could also apply for grants for school trips a few times a year through the Newlands Area Partnership. He agreed to email Colette with the information for who to contact.


The new Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs McLaughlin, has started and is getting to know the students and their families.

Mrs Yacomine has had a baby boy. Mrs Whyte will return at 0.6 from her maternity leave so a post of 0.4 will be advertised in addition to Mrs Yacomine’s full time vacancy. Both will be advertised as temporary. Colette thanked Mrs Mort for taking on the role of acting PT while Mrs Whyte was on leave., Mrs Kirk will be taking over until a new permanent PT is identified. Mrs Mort will be taking her maternity leave beginning in March, and cover for her class has not yet been identified.

5. Report on the work of the PC

PC Finances

Laura provided an update on the PC finances.

6. Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave an update on the work of the Parent Association, which undertakes fundraising and activities for the school. Key points were:

  • Since the last Parent Council meeting in November, the PA has provided over £7500 to the school while retaining enough to fund future events.
  • The PA is on the lookout for a new supplier of Christmas products and any help researching that would be appreciated.
  • There is an upcoming vacancy for PA treasurer as Shona steps back. Yla noted that the role is time consuming given the amount of money being handled and that someone with a background in accounts or bookkeeping would be best to help out. Anyone who is interested should reach out to Yla.
  • At their January meeting, the PA agreed the calendar of activities for the term. Parent volunteers are being sought for the following:
    • At the March parents’ evenings, there will be a Guess the Baby competition. Participation will be donation based. A volunteer is needed to collect baby photos of teachers and staff.
    • Volunteers are needed for tidying the garden beds in March.
    • Volunteers are needed to help run the School Disco in April.
    • In May there will be a sponsored obstacle course as well as formal photographs, and parent volunteers are needed to help run both of those events.
    • Volunteers are needed to help with various aspects of the June Summer Fair.
    • A group of volunteers is needed to prepare seed kits for Green Fingers. These kits are expected to be £80 and have always been paid for by the PC.
  • Other events planned by the PA for the coming term include clothing rails for outdoor clothes and World Book Day costumes in February and a Break the Rules Day in June.
  • Yla noted that it had previously been agreed that the PC would cover the cost of lets for the PA meetings, but that the cost of lets for all activities have increased both for the space and for support staff.
  • Susan highlighted the success of the Christmas Fair, which raised £4506 pounds. Some of those funds are going towards the P6/7 residentials and the rest will be used for further fundraising.
  • Susan encouraged parents, where possible, to follow the PA Facebook page for further information on how to get involved in events as the majority of things are advertised there.
  • Phil noted an upcoming opportunity to get students involved in the environment with the Keeping Scotland Beautiful Spring Campaign starting on the 17th of March. He noted an increase in litter around the school, as well as some overgrown trees on Friarton Road, which Councillor Ferguson agreed to investigate. Colette agreed to research how to get involved with the Keeping Scotland Beautiful Campaign.

7. Parent feedback

Performing arts

Parents noted their enjoyment of the performing arts focus last term and queried whether there were other opportunities for students to be involved in those types of activities. Colette noted that any volunteers who could commit to running clubs focused on creativity and the performing arts after school were more than welcome to get in touch. A call for volunteers will be sent out via Seesaw.

Status of the pitch

Colette has not been provided with any further information on the status of the pitch. She assured parents that any work agreed will not be done imminently. Councillor Ferguson agreed to seek further information, particularly in terms of the timescale for any work, and follow-up with Colette offline.

School meals

Colette noted that there are frequent supply issues for school lunches that cause confusion as the menu options change. She asked that if anyone’s child is having repeated issues that they contact her directly.

Concerns have previously been raised about school lunch portion sizes. Colette attended an information session as the Health and Wellbeing Coordinator for Merrylee and feedback was that all portions are agreed centrally by Scottish Government and not within the Council’s control. The serving sizes are the same for all pupils, but meals can be supplemented with fruit, yoghurt, soup etc.

8. Cathcart Community Council feedback

Louisa provided an introduction to the Cathcart Community Council (CCC) as well as an update on what work was currently being taken forward.

The CCC was reformed last year, with Carolyn as Chair. It is comprised of an elected committee of volunteers, and all are welcome to attend meetings. In November, the CCC undertook a priority setting exercise to determine the local wishes and priorities of community members, these have recently been online for consultation.

Louisa noted that the CCC have a mailing list she would be happy to add the Parent Council to as well as any other parents at the school to be kept informed on projects and issues in the community as they arise. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding July, August and December) from 7pm at Cathcart Baptist Church.

Further information can be found at the CCC website (currently in progress): https://cathcartdistrict.org.uk/. They can also be found on the following social media platforms:

Facebook: Cathcart & District Community Council

Twitter: @cathcart_dcc

Instagram: cathcartDCC

9. AOB

iPads at home

Parents have been discussing the use of iPads and there have been concerns raised about what the children are able to access on their iPads in their spare time. Colette confirmed that she and Ms. Timoney have been discussing similar concerns and will put out a formal communication once they decide on what filters will be in place.

International Day to Combat Islamophobia

Bilal noted that the United Nations have set the 15th March as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia and queried whether or not the school had any education in place for the students in relation to this.

10. Date of next meeting: Monday 15th May 2023 6:30pm – 8:00pm via ZOOM

PC Minutes 211122

Note: the full minutes are circulated via SeeSaw to all parents, and include a list of parents and staff who attended. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings, please email merryleepc@gmail.com.

1. Welcome and introductions

Colin welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced himself as the new Chair and Nicole as the new Secretary, thanking Stephen and Carolyn for their great work as previous Chair and Secretary, respectively.

2. Approval of 12 September 2022 minutes

Regarding Item 6 on the minutes of the previous meeting, Rubina noted that the PC accounts were seconded by Cara.

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Laura and seconded by Yla.

3. Actions from 12 September 2022 

Nicole noted that Glasgow City Council has confirmed that a new crossing guard will be starting at Langside Drive/Quadrant Road on 28 November and is training at an adjacent crossing until then. 

Other actions are covered elsewhere on the agenda. 

4. Headteacher’s Report

Colette provided a brief update, noting that a newsletter was recently sent around with further information. 


The school’s funding is based on the number of children enrolled, which has dropped due to the drop in placement requests by over 50% in the last two to three years. Those who knew of carers who have received a letter regarding an unsuccessful placement request were asked to urge them to appeal. In January, enrollment and class sizes will be predicted for staffing to be allocated based on those projections. 


Collette noted that Mrs Yacomine is going on maternity leave in December. Mrs Whyte will be returning to the school part-time, and it is not yet known what will happen with the other part of the vacancy.

5. Report on the work of the PC

Car-free zone enforcement

Following the 12 September meeting, Stephen had sent an enquiry to Councillor Ferguson regarding problems with car-free zones around the school being disregarded. The Councillor responded, reiterating that enforcement of the car-free zones must be done by the police. Since then, there has been police presence outside of the school, but not regularly or often. 

Colette noted she had received another email from a resident complaining about people parking in front of his drive. While it can’t be confirmed this is done by carers of a Merrylee student, the issue regarding car-free zones in general at Merrylee has been ongoing for several years. While it is illegal to drive within the zones during the restricted times, it is not something that can be enforced by school staff. 

Yla noted that Carolyn now Chairs the Cathcart Community Council (CCC) and asked if Merrylee would consider putting posters regarding the restrictions up for the upcoming Christmas Fair as a reminder for local residents that come along. It was agreed that it would also be helpful for one of the PC office bearers to attend a CCC meeting to raise the car-free zones as an area of community concern.

PC Finances

Laura provided an update on the PC finances. 

Yla noted that the Zoom subscription was about to end. Colin proposed renewing the subscription to Zoom, and Laura seconded.

6. Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave an update on the Parent Association, which undertakes fundraising and activities for the school. Key points were:

  • The PA currently has 17 members, with 16 active and one paused, which is a good number that allows for actions to be taken forward effectively from meetings. 
  • There is just over £7k in the PA bank account, of which £2.5k will come off for the seasonal products. An additional £900 is expected to be used for the Christmas Fair, of which £500 has already been committed. 
  • There has been an increase in let costs for activities, an additional £70 to let the rooms needed for the Christmas Fair. 
  • The PA has been working hard with Collette’s instruction to reduce requests for support for activities from the school community and instead look for donations etc. from the wider local community.
  • Costs have also been reduced by making choices like replacing bouncy castles and inflatables with more traditional games that can be made in school, which also supports the eco initiative and encourages more participation. 
  • The upcoming Christmas Fair includes a reduced entry fee for adults and no charge for children in the hopes that this will make the event accessible to everybody. Once inside there are also five free activities that children can choose from. 
  • Yla noted that some large employers match community fundraising of their own employees annually, and that it would be beneficial for the PC to research if there are any local employers who do this with the help of parents and guardians in the school community.

7. AOB 

  • Merrylee Bike Bus

The Merrylee Bike Bus is up and running following the hard work of Clara, running from Newlands Park to the school on Friday mornings. Merrylee has also been successful in the bid for an Active Travel grant of £2k.

  • The pitch

An update was requested regarding the pitch and as to whether it will be replaced or removed. Collette confirmed that the decision was still under review, but that any action will not happen any earlier than the summer. She agreed to keep people updated.

  • Ice-cream van

The ice-cream van has reappeared at the end of the school. There are safety concerns regarding the parking space it takes at the corner with students needing to cross the street. It was agreed that this would also be taken to the CCC.

8. Date of next meeting: Monday 6th February 6:30pm – 8:00pm via ZOOM

Minutes: 21-22 AGM

The 21-22 AGM took place on 12th September at the school. This is a shorter version of the minutes: parents receive the full version via Seesaw.

1. Welcome and introductions

Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Approval of minutes and update on actions

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Stephen and seconded by Cara.

Update on actions from last time 

– Laura transferred money to Green Fingers as agreed. 

– Stephen has been in touch with Tommy re setting up a meeting on security in the playground, this has not yet progressed.. 

3. Headteacher Update

Colette gave an update. Key points were:

  • The school’s vision and values were developed with pupils and teachers just before Covid and are still highly relevant
  • The schools’ 2022 School Improvement Plan is based on feedback from parents: this year there is a particular focus on transitions
  • In 2021-22 the school used £4,031.59 of the School Fund, which comes from the PA’s fundraising.  Colette thanked the PA for all their hard work. 
  • Colette shared a breakdown of how the Covid recovery fund was used. 
  • The Pupil Equity Fund last year was used for 0.5 additional teacher and a Support for Learning worker. This year Merrylee will use the funding for 0.5 teacher and resources to ensure equitable opportunities for all families. 
  • The Pupil Equity Fund is based on the number of pupils who are entitled to free school meals: Colette encouraged everyone who is eligible to register, so the school receives the correct amount of funding.
  • The Cost of the School Day project is a useful resource which Colette encouraged parents to look at. The school tries to reduce the cost of the school day in many different ways, such as preloved item swaps, subsidising events and providing free books at Parents’ Night. Colette acknowledged the work of parents in making many of these happen and thanked everyone for their help. 

4. Report on the work of the PC

Carolyn gave a report on the work of the PC. Key points:

  • the PC has met three times since the last AGM
  • Key areas of focus have included strengthening our links with other PCs in our area and school community, working with the council to site a lollipop person at Langside Drive and working with councillors, the police and council to enforce the car-free zone outside the school at the start and end of the school day
  • All parents can access resources from Connect (formerly the Scottish Parent Teacher Council)

5. Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave a report on the Parent Association, which undertakes fundraising and activities for the school. Key points were:

  • There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the PC – the next meeting is 28 September, contact merryleepa@hotmail.com to find out more
  • Fundraising activities last year included commissioning class photos, running book fairs, selling seasonal items such as coasters, providing passive fundraising opportunities  such as Amazon Smile
  • Events included the Hallowe’en Monster Mash, Christmas Elfinlee, online raffle, summer fair and Party on the Pitch
  • As part of Merrylee’s commitment to being an Eco School, the PC arranged various clothes swaps to encourage parents to reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Merrylee Green Fingers gardening project is actively seeking volunteers 
  • There are many ways to fundraise for the school, many of which don’t require much effort. In particular, registering with www.easyfundraising.org.uk means the school will get money when people shop online with shops like M&S, George@Asda and Clarks. 

6. Report of PC accounts and formal approval

Stephen presented the PC’s annual accounts. Colin proposed, Rubina seconded. AGREED: accounts approved. 

7. Report of PA Accounts and formal approval

Sarah presented the accounts for the PA. Colin proposed, Rubina seconded. AGREED: accounts approved. 

8. Parent Council Officer bearers – confirmation of roles and formal appointment

  • Colin Howden was elected as Chair- Stephen proposed, Carolyn seconded 
  • Nicole Smith was elected as Secretary – Carolyn proposed, Elise seconded
  • Laura Kennedy was re-elected as Treasurer- Stephen proposed, Carolyn seconded

We are also looking for a Social Media Manager to assist Rubina in managing our Facebook page: please email merryleepc@gmail.com if interested.

9. AOB 

  • Merrylee Bike Bus

Carolyn gave an update on this on behalf of Clara Orofino: Clara hopes to get a Bike Bus started at Merrylee in the coming weeks, and has met the Council’s Road Safety Officer to walk the proposed route. Email merryleepc@gmail.com if you would like to get involved. 

  • Lollipop person at Langside Drive

In response to a question, Stephen confirmed that the lollipop person at Langside Drive has retired. The council had recruited a replacement but they chose not to take up the role, so they are now recruiting again. Stephen will follow up. ACTION: Stephen to contact Glasgow City Council. 

  • Mrs McElhone 

 Colette congratulated Julie McElhone, who will shortly move to Pollokshields Primary to take up a role as Acting Headteacher. 

10. Date of next meeting:

  • Monday 7th November 6.30-8pm via Zoom

Minutes from 9th May 2022

This is a shorter version of the minutes: Merrylee parents can read the full version via SeeSaw

1. Welcome and introductions

Stephen (chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Approval of minutes and update on actions

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Yvonne and seconded by Laura.

3. Headteacher Update

Three new members of staff started after the Easter break and Colette has been pleased to welcome them. Colette reminded PC members that the school chaplain Wilma Pearson is retiring at the end of this month and school plans to do a collection.

Colette provided some points from the recent parent consultation survey, which received 85 responses:

  • 92% of respondents agreed that planning for learning and teaching at Merrylee includes opportunities to make links with real life learning. Parents would like more opportunities for trips and links with the wider community and Colette reported that these are now underway, following the lifting of Covid restrictions. 
  • Most parents agreed that parents can contribute to the life of the school and wider community. Some parents were unsure about how to do this, particularly leadership opportunities for children: the school will make a specific effort to communicate about this. 
  • Outdoor learning was seen as a key strength of the school. Some parents felt that children should be out in all weathers, others only when the weather is favourable. School will do its best to balance these views. 
  • There was concern about the cost of the school day, which staff will consider.
  • 91% of respondents agreed that interdisciplinary learning such as STEM was a strength. 
  • Most parents agreed that the ability to assess and talk about learning was positive, but views were mixed: some parents were strongly opposed to assessing children especially at early stages, while others want more testing. The school will try to seek a balance. 
  • Some parents felt homework should be optional: Colette reported that this was tried a few years ago but parents found it confusing. 
  • Most respondents agreed that children were well supported in school, though there were lots of comments reflecting the lack of in-person communication due to Covid. Colette confirmed that this is very much on the school improvement plan for next session.
  • There was a suggestion to have a therapy pet in the school: Colette reported that they would love to do this, if any parent can provide links to a suitably trained pet. 
  • There were comments about consistency of staffing – Colette reported that this has been unavoidable as there is a severe shortage of supply teachers across Glasgow. 

Finally, Colette reported that the girls’ P6 and P7 football team has been very successful. She thanked Frankie’s dad, who has sponsored and designed their strips, and Audrey and Alice’s mum who has offered to teach the girls yoga and has also provided shinpads. Colette also thanked Miss Reeves, who has led the team. 

Questions on Headteachers Report

  • Q: Do we have a clear view on what if any similar funding will be available for next year?
  • A: the school gets PEF funding of £60-70k: this is used to buy in extra staff. There is no expectation of further Covid recovery funding. 
  • Q: Will paired reading resume?
  • A – yes, this should resume in August. 
  • Q – Are assessments required by Government?
  • A – Scottish National Assessments take place at P1, P4 and P7 and these are set nationally and done annually. 

Update on assessment from Julie.

Julie explained that the school is developing its approach to assessment and reported that:

  • In Scotland, assessment for learning shapes the learning and is also there for accountability. 
  • Merrylee wants to take a holistic view of assessment that incorporates learning progress and attainment as well as opportunities to develop skills which will be useful in later life. 
  • Merrylee will track literacy and numeracy but also wants to put the child at the centre – other elements of learning are also important. 
  • Julie also wants to look at how assessment will be reported to parents to ensure the learners’ voice is reflected. 

Julie would like to hold a focus group in person with parents to get views on assessment and reporting. Information about this will be posted on Seesaw: parents can contact Julie if interested.

4. PA Update

Yla gave an update:

  • The Greenfingers gardening initiative has now spent the money passed over from the PC last quarter. A new shed is still required to store all equipment on site now that the allotment has closed. 
  • The bulbs donated by Morrisons look great and the seedling kits were really successful. The hanging baskets have been moved to the school garden and planted with strawberries at child height so children can water and pick them. 
  • The Council now requires the Greenfingers volunteers to arrange a formal “let” every time they want access to the school, including to water plants. This has required a lot of administration in organising a let for every single day of the school holidays. This doesn’t cost money but makes things harder: they are working with Colette to try to hand over more of the responsibility for watering plants to the school. 
  • There has previously been an issue with the council spraying weedkiller on fruit and vegetables in the grounds, which means they cannot be eaten. The janitor prevented this from happening recently: Colette and Greenfingers have been trying to communicate with the council to prevent it from happening in the future. 
  • The PC has provided a clothes rail at the front of the school for people to donate and take second-hand uniform: this has proved really popular. The PA will see whether they can arrange for parents to swap and donate outdoor items for the Kelburn school trip, so parents don’t have to buy new items. 
  • A new parent volunteer will now be keeping the school noticeboards up to date.
  •  Sarah (treasurer) is stepping down after six years: please contact PA if interested in taking on this role.

Upcoming dates:

  • The virtual book fair will take place in the week beginning 21st May. 
  • Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th May have been confirmed for school photos. Parent volunteers are needed to help on those days: parents should contact the PA if able to help. There will be fewer, more traditional poses which allows us to get the photographer in for fewer days, which reduces the cost. Mel will also do informal class photos as has happened in the last couple of years, 
  • Party on the pitch will be held on 1st June – this will use the money raised at the Break the Rules day last year. There will be play resources, inflatables, refreshments etc: parent volunteers are needed. 
  • Saturday 27th August is the provisional date for the summer fair.

The PA can be contacted at merryleepa@hotmail.com 

5. Treasurer’s report

Laura gave a financial update on the Parent Council.

6. AOB

  • School grounds security

Recent incident discussed.

  • Lost property

Some parents have raised questions about lost property: this will now be available at the community entrance every Friday. The PA will post pics of lost property rail every week on Facebook to help parents identify items. The PA has also bought 24 Sharpie pens for the school so classes can take it in turns to write names on jackets. Parents are reminded that they can support the school when buying stickers and labels:

  • at www.easy2name.com, enter Merrylee Primary at the checkout when buying washable stickers that can be attached to almost anything, and a percentage of your spend will be donated to the school
  • at www.stamptastic.co.uk, buy a School Name Labels Delux Bundle and the school will receive 15% commission.
  • P7 transition days

Unfortunately the school trip to Kelburn clashes with one of the P7 secondary induction visits to Hillpark and Williamwood: the trip was booked before the school was given the dates. Carolyn has been in touch with secondary school Parent Councils to establish links and try to prevent this happening in future. 

  • P7 leavers’ assembly and sports day

Colette confirmed that P7 parents will be invited to attend the leavers’ assembly and that parents will be very welcome to come and watch on Sports Day.

  • Street Play 2-5th June

Carolyn advised that the Council is once again running its Street Play initiative, when the Council will cover the costs of closing a street to allow children to play out. This will take place over 2-5 June. Parents can apply to close their street here: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=44646&p=0.

7. Date of next meeting: Monday 12th September (AGM and elections) IN PERSON AT SCHOOL

  • Stephen advised that the roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary of the PC will all be up for election at the AGM in September. He asked parents to please consider standing for one of these roles and to contact us if you would like to know more, at merryleepc@gmail.com
  • There was a discussion about whether PC meetings should now be in person, as this is now possible. Members noted that attendance has increased since meetings became digital, but that this may be excluding some people. AGREED the AGM will be held in person at the school and a decision on future meetings will be taken at that time. 

Parent Council 24 Jan 2022


24 JANUARY 2022  6.30PM – 8.00PM

 Note the full minutes are distributed to parents via Seesaw

1.Actions from previous meeting

  • Colette agreed to discuss with the teachers whether parents could see their children’s jotters ahead of telephone consultations: UPDATE: Colette spoke to the teachers about this and concluded that work would be shared on SeeSaw rather than risk it going missing 
  • Colette to include information on Educational Recovery in the imminent School Newsletter: UPDATE: this was included in the last newsletter
  • Stephen to follow up on this and ask when the assessor is coming to assess moving the lollipop man from Clarkston Road to Mochrum and Langside junction: UPDATE: the lollipop man is now in place in the new area
  • Colette to send photos of the pumpkins to the PA in order to thank Morrisions’ Crossmyloof: DONE
  • Carried forward: Yvonne to take forward oral history project about Covid: UPDATE: on reflection, this carries risk of raising trauma given how fresh it all is, so we will leave this for now. Yvonne is happy to offer training in oral history approaches more generally.
  • Carried forward: Yvonne to work with Colette and Mrs McElhone to create a parent survey about views and knowledge of Hillpark: UPDATE: this is now in progress
  • Carried forward: Cara to coordinate with Colette on an opportunity for children to meet herself and fellow Hillpark Chaplain colleague: UPDATE: this will happen in the next couple of weeks
  • Carried forward: Colette will pick up with Yla on the weed killer issue and contact the Council to find out why this has happened: UPDATE: Colette has made contact 

2. Headteacher Update

No changes in school in terms of Covid. The school is  continuing to follow all the guidance including extra ventilation, so please continue to wrap children up warmly. Mrs Provan sends her thanks for making her last few days so memorable. Mrs Pearson, one of the school chaplains, is retiring at the end of May. She has a long association with the school and Colette thanked her for all she has done. Mrs Mort has done an amazing job organising school clubs for every age and stage across the schools, working closely with the Active Schools Coordinator. Colette also thanked the parents who run the Saturday morning football club, which is back up and running. It will no longer be possible to contact teachers via Seesaw – this is a safeguarding issue as teachers have not always seen messages in time about changes to pickup arrangements. This has been communicated via Seesaw along with details of how to convey messages to the school. Colette also gave a reminder that all absences and appointments should go through the school office or to the absence line. Colette thanked the parent council for their work in getting the lollipop man moved: this will hopefully help as there has been a complaint from the tennis club about parents driving into the car park. 

Questions on Headteachers Report

There was a question regarding whether  Mrs Provan will be replaced: Colette said that the post has been advertised but it is difficult to fill these posts at the moment. There was a follow-up question about whether parents could help with administration – Colette advised that parents can come in if it is pre-arranged and all COVID guidance is followed. She will follow up if there is an opportunity to do so.

Covid recovery funding

All schools were given additional recovery funding at the start of the year. The money must be spent by mid-February or it will be lost. Catriona ran through the ideas that have been shared with staff:

  • raise attainment in numeracy eg materials, family packs for learning
  • additional reading materials
  • outdoor learning
  • developing the playground
  • family learning events or workshops
  • storage of outdoor equipment
  • developing the IT room into a digital hub

Additional suggestions made by the PC were:

  • more books for the library
  • music lessons
  • more trips to the theatre
  • equipment/lessons in hockey
  • Buddy Bench in the playground
  • outdoor chess sets
  • science equipment eg weather vanes, water gauges, weather station
  • contemplation/quiet area
  • outdoor drama club
  • after-school gardening club
  • orienteering club
  • outdoor music equipment
  • outdoor waterproof kit for younger kids
  • Urban Jungle eg pruning the willow
  • Trim trail groundworks – more slabs
  • Bus trips to the Burrell (opening March 22)

3. PA Update

Yla gave an update. Christmas decorations were hugely successful and there was fantastic parent involvement in making resources that can be used year on year. The raffle was also a huge success. Last week the allotment move was finalised: all resources have been moved onto school ground and the PA is looking for storage so that parents can access equipment at weekends. Merrylee Greenfingers has put together a consultation on how their Keep Scotland Beautiful funding should be used, and will send it to Colette. Rebecca is keen to reschedule the session she was going to do on sustainability and food growing. Lots of v positive comments have been received about Billy the lollipop man being moved: this is a real relief for parents. Parents are keen to volunteer to help school in any way. 

The next PA meeting takes place on Wed 26 January. 

4. AOB

  • School meals

Parents have been raising issues regarding the availability of hot food, food being cold, portions being small and queues being too long. Colette advised that the service was four staff down at the start of the year, which did cause difficulties. She noted that the catering service is spread across Limetree nursery and OLA as well as Merrylee so it is a challenging job. A new system will shortly be introduced allowing parents to choose their child’s meal in advance: the school will communicate about this shortly. Rotas are in place to try to ensure it’s not always the same classes who are last into the lunch hall. Children are always in and out within twenty minutes so they have half an hour to play outside. There are now support staff in to support lunches which has sped things up. ACTION: Colette will discuss the issues raised with the catering managers. She also noted that all the catering staff are excellent with the children and always ensure that everyone has had something to eat. 

  • Couper library

The Couper library reopened today after being closed for almost two years. Parents are encouraged to make use of it and hopefully it might be possible to arrange class trips to the library at some point when staffing allows, as many younger pupils will never have been inside. 

  • Litter 

The issue of litter was raised: some parents feel this is getting worse. There was a discussion about whether parents could help to address this, perhaps through the Eco Committee. ACTION: Colette will raise with the Eco Committee. 

  • Active travel

The Parents for the Future group is planning a walking and cycling bus, such as has been established in Shawlands. Glasgow City Council rules require that this takes place as part of a Parent Council. Clara would like to take this forward and to find out about what insurance is required. ACTION: Clara will represent the PC at an upcoming meeting about this and will report back. ACTION: Carolyn will check whether our insurance through Connect would cover this. 

  • Social media

Stephen thanked Rubina for her excellent work in managing the PC’s Facebook page. 

  • Parent Council meetings

Agreed that Parent Council meetings would continue to take place via Zoom for the moment. 

5. Date of next meeting: 9 May 2022

AGM 6 June 2021

Note the full minutes of meetings are circulated to all parents via Seesaw. These include a list of those attending the meeting. If you would like to attend a future meeting, please email merryleepc@gmail.com.

  1. Welcome and introductions 

Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

  1. Approval of minutes and update on actions

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Stephen and seconded by Laura. 

  • Elspeth and Colette to coordinate leaflets about vandalism: leaflet drop was done and prompted some positive responses from neighbours who are now reporting incidents to the police
  • Laura to arrange bank transfer for Zoom account: done
  • Yvonne to take forward oral history project about Covid: carry forward
  • Yla and Stephen to link in with Mrs Mort next term about Eco School: done: Mrs Mort will follow up once she is more settled in her role.
  • All to look at the Glasgow and Clyde Parents for the Future group: Clara updated: Most schools are now using plastic water bottles again because of Covid. Colette advised that the school can now address this: ACTION: Colette to pick this up within the school. 
  • Rubina to become Volunteer Scotland lead: done
  • Yvonne to work with Colette and Mrs McElhone to create a parent survey about views and knowledge of Hillpark: carry forward
  • Cara to coordinate with Colette on an opportunity for children to meet herself and fellow Hillpark Chaplain colleague: carry forward
  • Colette to review the homework policy: staff have begun looking at homework policy. Elspeth reported that homework has been shared in advance and this is extremely helpful.
  1. Headteacher Update

Colette welcomed everyone to the AGM and is looking forward to getting to know the new families. She outlined the strengths and areas for development this year, and noted that schools continue to be very affected by safety restrictions for Covid. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of Covid notifications across the whole city. Demand for tests has increased and it can take more than 2 days for results to come back, which has an impact on staffing. This means that the leadership team is having to cover absences at short notice so may take longer to get back to parents with queries. She assured everyone that the school is doing everything they can to ensure minimal disruption. Colette also expressed her thanks to the office staff Mrs McGrory and Mrs Provan who have become real experts in interpreting Covid guidance, which is often complicated. Unfortunately the school still can’t facilitate parent volunteers in school. However, Colette is delighted that the parent body continues to come up with innovative ways to keep the partnership with parents going, such as the Merrylee Green Fingers initiative, which transformed the school last year. Colette expressed her gratitude to the Parent Association for all their fantastic ideas and efforts. She also thanked parents who volunteer to run the Saturday morning football, which has now resumed. She encouraged parents to get involved in these activities and to contact either the PC or PA to find out how to get involved. P7 buddies are back and are now operating in groups on a rota basis and hope to introduce more opportunities for the P7 buddies to support younger pupils. Lunchtime clubs are also now resumed and will be advertised on SeeSaw.

School continues to focus on raising attainment and learning and teaching, as well as digital skills. Mrs Mort leads on learning and teaching and is looking forward to working with P5 and P6s pupils this year: this will include offering clubs and activities. The idea is to engage children really positively with their learning. The whole school focus for this term includes learning for sustainability and preparing for COP26: the Glasgow priorities are climate action, reduced inequalities and peace, justice and strong institutions. Pupils will have opportunities to learn about global issues and bring about change: for example P7s will work towards achieving the John Muir award. Other pupils are involved in STEM activities. The school is looking forward to working with parents to use the school facilities to promote learning for sustainability. Colette thanked everyone who has already been in touch to offer their time and skills: she will respond as soon as possible. 

Colette noted that the janitor Tommy will retire this Friday. He has been with the school for many years and has been a constant source of support for everyone. No job is too big or too small and he always has time for everyone. He is a much loved figure in our community and Colette thanked all parents who had contributed to his collection. Stephen agreed on behalf of the Parent Council that Tommy will be much missed and has made an enormous contribution to the school. 

A new janitor has now been appointed and will take up post shortly.

Finally, Colette thanked all the parents at Merrylee for their commitment, and for the hard work of the PA and PC. SHe looked forward to continuing to work together. 

Alan noted his thanks to the P7 buddies: his P1 daughter has found the buddy system extremely helpful. 

  1. Parent Council Office Bearers – confirmation of roles and formal appointment

Stephen noted that the constitution specifies a two-year period for office bearers: all of the PC office bearers are halfway through their term so will continue for a further year. This was agreed. 

  1. Parent Association Office Bearers – confirmation of roles and formal appointment

Yla noted that she is in her first year as solo chair. Sarah is the Treasurer and Shona is now learning about this role with a view to taking it on in future. The co-secretaries Julie and Melissa are also halfway through a two-year term. 

  1. Report on the work of the PC

Carolyn gave a report.

Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave a report which is summarised below. 

The PA is run by a voluntary parent committee which plans, co-ordinates and manages a calendar of fundraising and social events. All parents are encouraged to get involved. In 2020/21, the PA looked closely at the cost of participation and moved from a “pay to play” model to a “donations welcome” one. Yla noted that the PA does not only evaluate its activities on the basis of funds raised but also numbers participating and feedback received. 

Activities included:

  • Halloween decorations and monster march
  • Christmas and winter decorations, seasonal products and star trail
  • Torch to Tokyo
  • Spring treasure hunt
  • School garden group, which gained a grant from Keep Scotland Beautiful

Yla also mentioned Merrylee FC Saturday morning football, which is led by parents and is all about encouraging the love of football. Parents can get involved by contacting merryleefc@gmail.com and each session costs £1.

PA meetings are usually on the last Wednesday of the month from 7pm onwards. The PA is on Facebook and can be contacted at merrlyeepa@hotmail.com. The next meeting is Wednesday 29 September. 

  1. Report of PC Accounts and formal approval

Laura gave a report. Sarah proposed the accounts and Alan seconded. 

  1. Report of PA Accounts and formal approval

Sarah gave a report. Laura proposed the accounts and Alan seconded. 

  1. AOB
  • Couper Library campaign 

Carolyn gave an update on the campaign to save the Couper Library, which is one of five libraries in Glasgow which still has no reopening date following Covid. She invited Merrylee families to take part in the read-in, every Saturday between 11-12 outside the library, to demonstrate support for reopening it. The campaign can also support families to write to their councillors and can be contacted on savethecouper@gmail.com

Parking in Mochrum Road 

Elspeth raised this issue. There is an increase in the number of people parking on Mochrum Road, at the entrance to the tennis club. There are lots of vehicles parking on the pavement and turning in the road, and she is hearing concerns from residents about the potential for an accident.  Colette encouraged everyone to report concerns to the police on 101, as they will respond. ACTION: Parent Council to write to Council to ask whether the lollipop person currently on Clarkston Road, where there is a crossing facility, could be moved to Mochrum Road.  Colette also mentioned Walk to School Week in September as an opportunity to get the children involved in encouraging parents to drive and park safely. 

  • Teenagers in playground in evenings 

Elspeth raised this issue, which is again being raised by local residents. Teenagers have always used the school in the evenings and this has not been a problem before, but recently the janitor has had to clear up bottles, vomit etc and there has been extremely loud music. Colette advised that the best course of action would be to continue to contact the police and also local councillors. The school will continue to alert the police to these incidents. 

  • Fuel Zone 

Clara raised an upcoming focus group on the Fuel Zone being run by the Glasgow City Parents Group on the Fuel Zone: she had hoped to join but it is oversubscribed. There is an upcoming survey about the Fuel Zone so she will share details of this with the PC once this is live. 

  • Weedkiller

Yla reported that weedkiller has been put in various areas around the school, which means that fruit bushes can’t be harvested as there are now pesticides on it, and this goes against the ecological focus that the school has. The Green Fingers group is bitterly disappointed about this. ACTION: Colette will pick up with Yla on this and contact the Council to find out why this has happened. 

  • Welcoming P1 children 

Cara had raised this: a P1 parent has asked if videos could be made of the classrooms to help parents who have no previous connection with the school to get a sense of the environment the children are in. Colette confirmed that videos of all the classrooms will be out by the end of the weekend. 

  • Parent Council links with Hillpark and Shawlands

Yla raised this.  Dates for Hillpark PC clashed with this one so parents with children at both couldn’t attend. She suggested that we make links with the PCs at Shawlands and Hillpark.ACTION: Yla will ask the parent to get in touch so we can make links.

  • Cash payments for school lunches

Tommy asked why payments can only be made by cash, given Covid hygiene concerns. He has checked with the school who advise it is a Glasgow City Council decision. Colette advised that this will move to Parent Pay and that this is in process, and will hopefully happen soon.

  1. Date of next meeting 

6.30pm Monday 6 November.

Parent Council 19/04/21

Welcome and introductions 

Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Approval of minutes and update on actions

Sarah proposed minutes, Cara seconded.

  • Payment to PA for outdoor learning: this has been completed. 
  1. Headteacher’s report 
    1. Covid guidance. There has been quite high staff absence recently due to the need to isolate while awaiting test results: this has meant the school management team has had to cover classes at short notice: Colette expressed gratitude to them for doing so. The school continues to follow all necessary health and safety rules. Colette reminded parents to please wear masks, only bring one parent at a time to drop off and pick up and not stay any longer than necessary at school. 

ACTION: Parent Council to post reminder of rules on Merrylee PC Facebook page

  1. Vandalism. This is a serious problem at the moment. Tommy the caretaker is having to clear up substantial mess after every weekend. Young people have always used the school grounds at weekends which is fine, but recently Tommy has had to clear up smashed glass from the pitch, vomit and urine. The school has been in touch with police and the services manager. Other headteachers are reporting similar problems. Yla advised she has spoken to the police, who say the key is to keep reporting it. There was a discussion about whether movement-sensitive CCTV could be installed.

ACTION: Parent Council and PA to remind parents via social media that they should report any concerns to the police by calling 101. 

ACTION: Phil to contact community councillors to discuss any possible actions. 

ACTION: Elspeth to circulate information to local community via leaflets

ACTION: Colette will investigate whether CCTV is a possibility

  1. Activities and visits. P7s will be attending Blairvadach later this year. This will include an end of year celebration. Also hoping to have a more formal P7 leavers assembly at the end of June, outdoors so that parents can attend. New P1 classes are being put together this week and visits to classrooms are being planned. Had hoped to have a sports day but this is not possible due to the need to stagger lunchtimes and breaks. Active Schools teachers have now been redeployed to schools so we have a new teacher who will take P4s and P7s for outdoor sport on Thursdays and Fridays, as well as Rangers football coaches who will be working with us regularly. We hope to re-start clubs soon but will need to play this by ear. 
  2. Parent meetings. Hoping to organise some phone consultations for parents and teachers: this is yet to be confirmed. 
  3. School lunches. School lunch menu has changed and will shortly be sent out via SeeSaw. There are now more meat-free days. 
  4. P7 transition arrangements. Secondaries have only just gone back full time today so we expect further info shortly and will share this as soon as possible. 
  1. PA Update – Yla
    1. Merrylee Green Fingers. All money from Community Climate Action Fund has now been spent. There has been great progress on installing new planters and developing the outside area. The PC money has now been spent on the outdoor classroom resource adjacent to the garden planters next to the Trim Trail. Ten per cent of school families have been actively involved in Merrylee Green Fingers. There have been lots of kind donations of plants, pots and some cash: Yla thanked everyone for this. There is a £78 overspend which has been absorbed by the PA. Families can be involved in seedling kits, watering rotas and maintenance days.
    2. Fundraising/community events. The virtual book fair went well and the treasure hunt was well received over the holidays. Merrylee teddy bears will be on sale via ParentPay from tomorrow: this is in response to feedback from young people that they wanted something for themselves not  just families. The PA is exploring the possibility of outdoors class photos and is also helping with a P7 leavers event. Catriona thanked the PA and Merrylee Green FIngers for their amazing work on the school grounds and treasure hunt: these are really making a difference to the school experience. Colette noted that she, Stephen, Yla and Emma Durnan are speaking at Glasgow Parent Forum on Wednesday to share the good practice of keeping parents and families involved with the school during the pandemic. 
  2. Treasurer’s report

Laura gave a report. The only expenditure since Feb has been on barrels for Green Fingers. The cheque issued for the PC/PA Zoom account has not been cashed.The remaining balance is £238.87.

ACTION: Yla to ensure Zoom cheque is cashed. 

  1. AOB

Elspeth asked about homework – Colette advised it should revert back to what it was before lockdown. 

Elspeth also asked about lunches and breakfast clubs, noting that parents may have made payments which will not be used before the end of the year and asking whether these will be reimbursed automatically. Colette advised that the school does not have any control over this. 

ACTION: Colette will make enquiries about this. 

Carolyn advised she is attending a meeting next week about Car Free Zones, which is being organised by the Glasgow City Parents Group. Phil reminded everyone of the importance of reporting people who are driving within the zone without a permit. 

ACTION: Carolyn to report back. 

Date of next meeting

6.30pm Monday 7 June

PC Minutes 010221

Note: the full minutes are circulated via SeeSaw to all parents, and include a list of parents and staff who attended. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings, please email merryleepc@gmail.com.

  1. Welcome and introductions 

Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Approval of minutes and update on actions

Phil proposed minutes, Stephen seconded.


  • Film relating to dogs on school grounds. No update. Action to be carried over
  1. Headteacher’s report 
  2. Home learning.

Colette reported that the school is continuing to provide places for children of keyworkers: there is much higher demand this time. The school has to be very careful to minimise contact and stem the spread of the virus, particularly given the new variant. It has never been more important for the school community to support each other: school staff are still here for anyone who needs support, there is always someone in the school to listen. Teachers are working hard to come up with home learning activities and there has been lots of positive feedback, as well as some negative comments based on what other areas are doing. Colette asked for parents to be aware of demands on teachers at the moment and to rest assured that information about how children are doing will be available as soon as possible. Several parents have mentioned that they have heard of other schools doing online meetings with parents and live lessons with children. This is something we would take advice on as a city wide approach. Other authorities have developed systems to facilitate this (parent meetings) and I am sure Glasgow will be working on this too. They have already responded to the need for staff training to develop skills in preparing and delivering recorded lessons which many of our teachers have signed up for. We have developed and will continue to develop our remote learning provision. Several Merrylee teachers are already signed up for training in delivering recorded lessons. This training takes place out of hours and Colette noted her gratitude to teachers for giving up their time. Several classes have started doing live check-ins using Teams: Colette acknowledged that this can be difficult for some families but encouraged parents to help their children be online at that time if possible.Teachers are also providing individual and group support where necessary especially for those with particular needs. Last week the school was able to issue a number of school ipads to families who were struggling with access to devices: Colette advised that parents should get in touch with the school if they need help with devices. On residential visits, sadly these are not going ahead. It is possible we will be offered an alternative date for the planned p6 trip to Blairvaddoch but this won’t be at least until October. Parents will have the option for a full refund or to transfer the payment till p7. The p7 trip to Galloway is also being cancelled. We are working on an alternative but unfortunately many centres are already booked up. A day visit on a Saturday in June at Blairvaddoch might be possible but this is not confirmed. If no alternative can be found then the school will come up with a local plan.

2. School resources

The school has bought some new play resources and other resources for home learning, using funds raised by the PA. These will be very useful.

3.Fundraising and community involvement

   Colette thanked everyone involved in Merrylee Green Fingers, which is now developing the area near the Trim Trail. She noted that there is a huge amount of work going on which will make a huge difference and provide a fantastic learning space for both the school and local community. Parents should contact the PA if they would like to get involved (merryleepa@hotmail.com). 

  1. Vandalism

There was a spate of vandalism before Christmas. Colette hopes this was a one-off. It was reported to the police but there is little they can do. There are regular “visitors” to the school after hours who leave litter but usually there is no damage. Tommy the janitor is vigilant in removing any litter left behind. 


Stephen invited questions to Collette. Phil asked how the staff team are feeling: Colette confirmed that the team are supporting each other and managing as well as possible, and appreciate the support from the wider school community. 

  1. Home learning and wellbeing

Sarah thanked all the teachers for all the effort they are putting in and raised a few issues: 

  • new concepts being explained through recorded lessons is really helpful
  • Different teachers seem to be doing this on SeeSaw in different ways. It would be helpful for all children to have access to recorded lessons so they can consider and reflect. 
  • Can we have advice on different ways to respond on SeeSaw? Some parents are finding it difficult to know all the possible ways eg taking photos and uploading them, using text boxes to answer questions. 

Julia advised that the school could share info on responding on SeeSaw. Recorded lessons will be the topic of an upcoming In Service day but they are quite time-consuming. 

Rajat asked whether teachers could do regular video calls with children. Colette confirmed that these have started with some of the older classes: this will gradually be set up for all children but the process of setting this up involves a lot of logistics. Colette hopes to have a weekly live check-in for all children in the not too distant future, now that children who need ipads have been provided with them. 

Colin thanked all the staff for the engaging lessons so far. He asked if there could be short videos from each of the teachers regularly, to help maintain a connection. He also asked if there could be a volume check on SeeSaw lessons, some have been very quiet. 

Susie suggested that we could buddy up parents or set up online help sessions to help parents get used to using Teams, given that lots of us are using it a lot at work. Julie said they are planning some how-to videos for the YouTube channel and would love help from parents. Susie also reported that it can be difficult to get through the volume of activities and it can be worrying to feel that children are falling behind. It would be helpful to get a steer from teachers on which areas to focus on for a particular child. The reporting process didn’t help to narrow this down. Julie suggested getting in touch directly with the management team or class teacher to ask for this help: they will be happy to help. 

Stephen recorded the thanks of the PC to all the teachers for their work at this extremely difficult time. 

  1. PA Update

Yla gave an update. The PA is looking to set up subgroups which could provide free, local activities for children during the holidays. Merrylee Green Fingers is doing very well and has received a grant of £4,549 from Keep Scotland Beautiful – they had applied for £5,000. The team are grateful to teachers for guidance on making this application. Work started today on the Trim Trail and outdoor classroom. This work needs to be completed by the end of March. All volunteering is in household groups and follows all current social distancing requirements. 

Stephen thanked all involved for the fantastic work that the Green FIngers group is doing. Colette and Catriona added their thanks and noted that the school is extremely grateful.

  1. Treasurer’s report

Laura gave a report. There is £815 in the account. Stephen confirmed that we are updating the bank account so there are three named signatories. Sarah asked whether the £400 grant is recent: Stephen confirmed that this is the annual grant so was received around August 2020. 

  1. AOB
    1. New website and Facebook page.

Tommy gave an update on the new Merrylee PC website, which he has built. This is now easier for PC volunteers to update. The site is at  https://www.merryleeprimarypc.org/. Any feedback on the site is welcome: there is a comment form on the website. Colette thanked Tommy for his work, which has been excellent. 

Rubina reported that a new Parent Council Facebook page has been set up: parents can search Facebook for Merrylee Parent Council to find the page. The page currently has 72 likes. Julie offered to promote the new page and website on the school Twitter feed. 

AOB 2. Physical noticeboards at school

Stephen reported that the noticeboards at school need to be updated. Jacqui will lead on this

AOB 3. Nutrition

Alan followed up on the action from the previous meeting. Alan and Colette have had some discussion about ways to ensure that sweets are not the default option for treats. Colette is happy to try to involve children in this discussion once schools go back.

AOB 4. Funding

Sarah asked if some PC funding could be used towards items that the PA would otherwise be fundraising for. Most costs relate to improving the school grounds, particularly given that outdoor learning is especially important during the pandemic and that the school is committed to outdoor learning in general. Other issues requiring expenditure include drainage at the Crannog. The PA is looking to raise about £650 all in. Stephen proposed that £500 of PC money could go towards this work. This would leave £130 in the PC account: no substantial outgoings are anticipated before the end of the term. Stephen proposed, Laura seconded. DECISION: PC approved a payment of £500 to the PA for those works. ACTION: Laura to take forward with the PA. 

Phil asked if the school needed extra help with the cost of wifi. Colette advised that there isn’t anything else that could enhance that, it’s all looked after by one central company that deals with all the schools. 

AOB 5. Education Services

Colette had circulated a link to a Q&A with Maureen McKenna, head of Education at GCC. Colette will share this on SeeSaw tomorrow with all parents. 

AOB 6. Parent Council chinwag

Glasgow City Council is holding a “chinwag” event on 10 February at 7pm on Zoom, for officebearers or nominated reps of PCs. Stephen and Carolyn will discuss attendance. 

Date of next meeting

6.30pm Monday 19 April.