Parent Council 19/04/21

Welcome and introductions 

Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Approval of minutes and update on actions

Sarah proposed minutes, Cara seconded.

  • Payment to PA for outdoor learning: this has been completed. 
  1. Headteacher’s report 
    1. Covid guidance. There has been quite high staff absence recently due to the need to isolate while awaiting test results: this has meant the school management team has had to cover classes at short notice: Colette expressed gratitude to them for doing so. The school continues to follow all necessary health and safety rules. Colette reminded parents to please wear masks, only bring one parent at a time to drop off and pick up and not stay any longer than necessary at school. 

ACTION: Parent Council to post reminder of rules on Merrylee PC Facebook page

  1. Vandalism. This is a serious problem at the moment. Tommy the caretaker is having to clear up substantial mess after every weekend. Young people have always used the school grounds at weekends which is fine, but recently Tommy has had to clear up smashed glass from the pitch, vomit and urine. The school has been in touch with police and the services manager. Other headteachers are reporting similar problems. Yla advised she has spoken to the police, who say the key is to keep reporting it. There was a discussion about whether movement-sensitive CCTV could be installed.

ACTION: Parent Council and PA to remind parents via social media that they should report any concerns to the police by calling 101. 

ACTION: Phil to contact community councillors to discuss any possible actions. 

ACTION: Elspeth to circulate information to local community via leaflets

ACTION: Colette will investigate whether CCTV is a possibility

  1. Activities and visits. P7s will be attending Blairvadach later this year. This will include an end of year celebration. Also hoping to have a more formal P7 leavers assembly at the end of June, outdoors so that parents can attend. New P1 classes are being put together this week and visits to classrooms are being planned. Had hoped to have a sports day but this is not possible due to the need to stagger lunchtimes and breaks. Active Schools teachers have now been redeployed to schools so we have a new teacher who will take P4s and P7s for outdoor sport on Thursdays and Fridays, as well as Rangers football coaches who will be working with us regularly. We hope to re-start clubs soon but will need to play this by ear. 
  2. Parent meetings. Hoping to organise some phone consultations for parents and teachers: this is yet to be confirmed. 
  3. School lunches. School lunch menu has changed and will shortly be sent out via SeeSaw. There are now more meat-free days. 
  4. P7 transition arrangements. Secondaries have only just gone back full time today so we expect further info shortly and will share this as soon as possible. 
  1. PA Update – Yla
    1. Merrylee Green Fingers. All money from Community Climate Action Fund has now been spent. There has been great progress on installing new planters and developing the outside area. The PC money has now been spent on the outdoor classroom resource adjacent to the garden planters next to the Trim Trail. Ten per cent of school families have been actively involved in Merrylee Green Fingers. There have been lots of kind donations of plants, pots and some cash: Yla thanked everyone for this. There is a £78 overspend which has been absorbed by the PA. Families can be involved in seedling kits, watering rotas and maintenance days.
    2. Fundraising/community events. The virtual book fair went well and the treasure hunt was well received over the holidays. Merrylee teddy bears will be on sale via ParentPay from tomorrow: this is in response to feedback from young people that they wanted something for themselves not  just families. The PA is exploring the possibility of outdoors class photos and is also helping with a P7 leavers event. Catriona thanked the PA and Merrylee Green FIngers for their amazing work on the school grounds and treasure hunt: these are really making a difference to the school experience. Colette noted that she, Stephen, Yla and Emma Durnan are speaking at Glasgow Parent Forum on Wednesday to share the good practice of keeping parents and families involved with the school during the pandemic. 
  2. Treasurer’s report

Laura gave a report. The only expenditure since Feb has been on barrels for Green Fingers. The cheque issued for the PC/PA Zoom account has not been cashed.The remaining balance is £238.87.

ACTION: Yla to ensure Zoom cheque is cashed. 

  1. AOB

Elspeth asked about homework – Colette advised it should revert back to what it was before lockdown. 

Elspeth also asked about lunches and breakfast clubs, noting that parents may have made payments which will not be used before the end of the year and asking whether these will be reimbursed automatically. Colette advised that the school does not have any control over this. 

ACTION: Colette will make enquiries about this. 

Carolyn advised she is attending a meeting next week about Car Free Zones, which is being organised by the Glasgow City Parents Group. Phil reminded everyone of the importance of reporting people who are driving within the zone without a permit. 

ACTION: Carolyn to report back. 

Date of next meeting

6.30pm Monday 7 June