PC AGM Minutes 180923


18 September 2023 6.30PM – 8.00PM

Merrylee Primary School

1. Welcome and introductions

Colin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. 15 May 2023 Minutes and Actions

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Marion and seconded by Clare.

All actions from the 15 May 2023 Parent Council meeting have been completed or are on the agenda for further update.

3. Headteacher’s Report

Colette provided an update. Key points were:

Yearly Improvement Plan

  • There are a lot of changes taking place under the new Director of Education, including the introduction of Grand Challenges which are designed to encourage improvement over a longer period of time.
  • The focus on the Improvement Plan for the 2023/24 school year includes meeting learner’s needs, raising attainment and achievement, and using digital technology to further enhance teaching and learning.


  • Colette reviewed how the funds were used to ensure that no student is missing out on opportunities due to finances.
  • A large investment was put inter literary resources this year.
  • Colette encouraged parents to apply for Pupil Equity Funding, which is government funded and includes free school meals, breakfast club and holiday payments. The school receives money based on the number of recipients enrolled.
  • Colette reviewed the cost of the school day and ways in which this can be made less challenging for families.


  • The school roll impacts on funding. For the 2023/24 school year, there are only 44 children enrolled in P1 with seven placement requests and 384 children all together. The enrollment is all done online with no personal involvement, so Colette noted the desire to do more promotion.

4. Report on the work of the PC

Colin gave a report on the work of the PC. Key points were:

– The PC gives carers the change to get involved, participate and improve their understanding of what has been going on at the school.

– The PC is currently looking for a treasurer.

– Colin has attended training with Glasgow City Council, including recruitment training, and attended Cathcart Community Council meetings to raise issues directly with police and councillors when necessary such as traffic issues and care free zones.

– Colin thanked the parents and staff for their involvement in the PC.

5. Report on the work of the PA

Yla gave a report on the PA, a sub-committee of the PC. Key points were:

– The PA meets the last Wednesday of every month and organizes events to raise money for the school, while keeping the cost down or free for children so everyone can participate.

– There are currently 16 members with an outgoing Chair and Secretary. Alyssa will be remaining on as Secretary.

– Commission based activities raise the most money for the school, for example enough was raised from Book Fairs to fund transition books for all P1s.

– The PA organizes the sale of personalised holiday items such as mugs and cards.

– Passive fundraising is possible through easyfundraising.org.uk.

– Yearly activities include events, fairs, discos, donations, eco activities such as pre-loved uniforms and clothing rails, and green fingers among others.

– Upcoming events are scheduled for the 26th October Halloween Disco, the 2nd December Christmas Fair, seasonal products, school photos, online book fair the week of 20th November, and possibly a family night.

6. Report of PC Accounts and formal approval

The PC Accounts were prepared by Laura. The accounts were proposed by Ross and seconded by Kirsty.

7. Report of PA Accounts and formal approval

The PA Accounts were prepared by Laura. The accounts were proposed by Claire and seconded by Marion.

8. Parent Council Office Bearers

Colin will remain as PC Chair and Nicole will remain as PC Secretary. This was proposed by Natalie and seconded by Yla. Colin will also stand in as interim PC Treasurer until a new one is in place.

The PC is looking for a new Treasurer as well as someone who can take on the management of the PCs social media and PVG checks for the school, which are required for any parent working with children.

9. Parent Association Office Bearers

Clare Taylor has been appointed to the PA Chair position. This was proposed by Ross and seconded by Marion.

Laura Kennedy has been appointed to the PA Treasurer position. This was proposed by Colin and seconded by Marion.

10. AOB

Road Safety

There was recently an incident with a school crossing patroller in which they were knocked over by a car. Merrylee Primary had to request she be placed there at Mochrum Road and Langside Drive due to previous safety concerns with traffic in this area. At the most recent Cathcart Community Council meeting, Councillor Ferguson noted that he was only informed of this incident by one person and that more momentum would be necessary to get any change moving forward. Concerned parents feel there is not enough signage at this crossing, especially when compared to the second junction, and requests have been sent to the council.


Ross commented on the state of the pitch, which is now a safety concern given its age and the lack up maintenance following school closure during the COVID period. A new pitch is expected to be £80k and there is no money to commit to having that done. Councillor Ferguson has indicated he will do a walkaround of the pitch. It is possible paying to have the pitch replaced could come from the Infrastructure Fund or join with other projects currently taking place.

School Vandalism

Colette noted that vandalism took place at the school most weekends but was particularly bad recently. This incident was reported. These actions do come at a cost to the school.

Shade during lunch

One of the parents reached out to note their concern about the lack of shade for students to be in when they are outside during their lunch period. Colette noted that there is shade all the way around the perimeter on the building, just not on the pitch.

Swim Easy

Colin noted that a family business, Swim Easy, is wanting to be included in Merrylee Primary events and offer their time for volunteering in exchange for free advertising. It was agreed advertisements could be placed on the noticeboards and via Merrylee Primary social media pages if deemed appropriate by all parties involved.

Green Fingers

A new poly tunnel and new seeds for kits are needed for Merrylee Green Fingers. These could be at least partially covered by the Glasgow Wellbeing Fund if an application were submitted.